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Title IX
February is American Heart Month (and Valentine’s Day!) so it’s a great time to focus on heart health. There are many simple ways to keep your heart healthy this month and all year long! Show your heart some love by trying out the ideas below with students, friends, or family.
Focus on Heart-Healthy Foods
Many foods have been shown to improve heart health. Eating these foods on a regular basis can help to keep your heart strong throughout your lifetime. Adding more of these foods to your diet can help protect your heart:
Whole Grains
Fruits and Vegetables
For a healthy meal everyone will love, try a build-your-own oatmeal bar for breakfast or a build-your-own burrito bar for lunch or dinner using heart-healthy ingredients.
Oatmeal Bar:
Low-sugar (under 6 grams per dry ounce) oatmeal
Nuts, such as almonds or walnuts
Fruit, such as strawberries, blueberries and banana slices
Spices, such as cinnamon or nutmeg
Burrito Bar:
Whole wheat tortillas
Brown rice or quinoa
Black beans and/or kidney beans
Low-fat cheese
Hungry for more? Check out these ideas for quick and healthy breakfasts and lunches.
Get Your Heart Rate Up
Our hearts need exercise to stay strong and healthy. Children should get at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Here are some easy ways to get physically active that people of all ages will enjoy:
Turn off the television and go on a walk after dinner
Turn the music on and have a dance-off
Play tag or hide-and-seek
Use the playground at a nearby park or local school
Try some quick physical activity breaks before dinner or during the commercials of your favorite television program
Share the Love
Along with keeping your heart healthy with nutritious foods and physical activity, it’s important to express feelings and spend time with others to protect your emotional health. Try these simple activities to warm your heart:
Eat dinner with others and share updates from your day/week
Read your favorite book or read to someone else
Call a friend to see how they’re doing
Journal about things you are grateful for
Cuddle with a pet
We “Heart” Healthy Celebrations!
Families, caregivers and school staff can also support heart health during Valentine’s Day celebrations. Plan your healthy Valentine’s Day party now or try one of these easy tips:
Enjoy heart-healthy treats like these Apple of My Eye Grahams or hummus with veggies
Have a dance party to themed songs such as “Give Your Heart a Break” by Demi Lovato and “Heartbeat Song” by Kelly Clarkson
Craft hand-written valentines for loved ones
Share healthy celebration success stories with the community
For more ideas, see Celebrations that Support Child Health