Congratulations to Landon Martin, Luke Williams, and Carson Webb for being named to the C1D3 All-District team!
almost 3 years ago, Jared Hathcoat
Free shrubs! First come first serve. Pick up and load in front of school. They will be there until there afternoon, and then they will be disposed of.
almost 3 years ago, Lesterville R-IV School District
Support the Lesterville Baseball team by purchasing a banner to advertise your local business or to just show your support! Information and contact info is in the attached flyer. Deadline is May 31st!
almost 3 years ago, Dana Myers
baseball banners
There have been some changes made to the C1D3 Baseball Tournament. Bearcats will now play their semifinal game at NOON on Tuesday, 5/17. Below is the updated schedule: 12PM - 2/3 Lesterville vs Oak Ridge 2PM - 4/5 Crossroads vs St. Paul 4PM - 1vs4/5 winner 6PM - Championship
almost 3 years ago, Jared Hathcoat
Report cards, 22-23 class schedule, and 22-23 supply list (on back of schedules) will be mailed home today for students who were in grades 7-12. Any student who took dual credit this year will not receive their report card until next week.
almost 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Congratulations to these four young men. Landon Martin and Luke Williams made BRL all conference and Carson Webb and Conner Nichols made BRL all conference honorable mention. Great job!
almost 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Congratulations to Cindy Brooks, Nurse Melanie, and Cornelia Theys on their retirement from Lesterville School. Cindy has been the business manager for 24 years. Nurse Melanie worked as the school nurse for the past 17 years. Cornelia has taught at the Alternative School for 14 years. Enjoy your retirement, and thank you for your dedicated service to the students of Lesterville. We will miss you.
almost 3 years ago, Lesterville R-IV School District
2022 Retirees
Rocking Chairs
Mrs. Logan’s 10th grade Algebra 1 and 2 classes made paper roller coasters for their end of the year project. Roller coaster #1 was voted the best by the student body. Congratulations to Summer, Hayden, Tom and Dakota!
almost 3 years ago, Amy Logan
Paper roller coaster
Paper roller coaster
Paper roller coaster
Paper roller coaster
The blood drive that was scheduled for today unfortunately had to be cancelled by the Red Cross. We apologize for any inconvenience.
almost 3 years ago, Candace Lanham
Congratulations to all of the students who took home class awards today, to those who received High Honors for all four quarters, and to our best all around JH and HS students: Rylee Laughman, Adrick Fitzgerald, Jolynn Allen, and Landon Martin. We are proud of all you’ve worked hard to accomplish and you should be proud too. Way to go Bearcats!!
almost 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Kaiden, Cason and Jarett are spending their last day of school taking their National Beta academic tests. They will travel to Nashville this June to find out if they placed out of all Beta Clubs country wide. Wish them luck!
almost 3 years ago, Ashlyn Hubbs
The National Beta club at Lesterville High School has proudly been named a 2022 National Beta All Star Service award winner. The club earned this award by spending an average of 50-75 hours per member serving their school, community, and state this year. As one of the four pillars of National Beta, service is encouraged to help students learn to demonstrate the motto: Let Us Lead by Serving Others. By showing dedication to service, Lesterville Betas helped contribute to over 1,086,625 hours served by clubs across the nation this year. Collectively, Betas also raised $944,963 for various organizations and charities. The club at Lesterville joins a group of only 95 other schools to earn the award this year. Members will each receive a commemorative pin and the club will receive a plaque to proudly display in their school.
almost 3 years ago, Candace Lanham
The HS baseball team will recognize our seniors immediately following tomorrow’s home game against Summersville. Game time will be 5pm. Come out and support these seniors and enjoy an evening of baseball!
almost 3 years ago, Jared Hathcoat
Mrs. Chilton’s students participated in a Living Wax Museum. They researched and brought to life some histories most famous scientists and inventors.
almost 3 years ago, Jamie Chilton
Two of our teachers were awarded grant money from WGU to help create a more effective classroom to facilitate diverse student needs. Congratulations April Buntion and Candace Lanham.
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Mrs. Candace Lanham
Mrs. Buntion
First grade, here we come! Congratulations to our Kindergarten Graduates!
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Class pic
End of the Year Awards! We have some amazing students!
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Special Classes and Glory Awards
High Honors for 2nd through 6th grades
Best All Around, Citizenship, Most Improved
Mrs. Hubbs’s students went back to the drawing board to create a second egg drop device for round 2 of competition. Students learned from their mistakes and took notes of others creations to either remake or add to their original design. 18 out of the 23 eggs survived this round!
almost 3 years ago, Ashlyn Hubbs
The home baseball game scheduled for today vs St. Paul has been cancelled. Our senior night recognition will now take place on Tuesday, May 10th.
almost 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Elementary Field Day is tomorrow! Check out the schedule for the day.
almost 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Field Day