Peace, Love, Hope, & Kindness Day
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Peace,love, hope, kindness
8th grade Careers class had two guest speakers recently. Superintendent, Jeremy Myers and Mr. James Fitzgerald, area manager for Townsend, were each interviewed by students to gain insight into their respective careers. Thank you both for taking time to visit with our students.
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Work out your problems with kindness! Workout Clothes Day
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Workout Clothes Day
Letter Qq for Quicksand. Look what the preschool class made!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Qq is for quicksand
Congratulations to our January Students of the Month!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Ice cream party!
Kindness Spirit Week Day 1 Dreaming of a world of kindness!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
PJ Day
Reminder from the Lesterville High School Counselor: Seniors - remember that the FAFSA priority deadline is February 1st, 2022. If you need assistance filling out the FAFSA, please do not hesitate to set up a meeting after school with me. My email is, and my school phone number is 573-637-2201 EX: 109.
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Elementary cheerleaders will be selling squishies during lunch for 50cents each this week.
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Get your squishies!
The home varsity girls game scheduled for Monday, January 24th vs Greenville has been cancelled.
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Kindness Spirit Week for all students Pre-12.
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
kindness week
Preschool is having a pajama and popcorn party to celebrate learning about the letter P!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
P party
Students performed career research interviews today in 8th grade Careers class. Today’s guests were Ryan Chilton-controller at McCormack Telecom and Corporal Andrew McClanahan-Park Ranger. Thank you to these two gentlemen for taking time out of their day to speak to our students.
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
BRL Basketball Brackets January 17-22 at South Iron
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
varsity boys BRL
varsity girls BRL
JV boys BRL
Please notice the change of date on the memo that was sent home. School will not be in session on January 17.
about 3 years ago, Lesterville R-IV School District
Calendar of events
Congratulations to Alyvia Mason on being crowned the 2022 Lesterville Homecoming Queen.
about 3 years ago, Lesterville R-IV School District
Homecoming Queen
Our elementary cheerleaders will be selling suckers tomorrow during elementary lunch to raise money for their upcoming season. Suckers will be 2 for $1. Please help support our cheerleaders!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
Lesterville will host Homecoming on Tuesday, January 11th against the Fredericktown Blackcats. Homecoming will begin at 6 PM with the basketball games following. Candidates are Freshman Talyah Maize, Junior Piper Fitzgerald, Junior Alyvia Mason, Junior Grace Hicks, Junior Reese Gray, Senior Alliyah Myers, and Senior Peyton Sanders.
about 3 years ago, Lesterville R-IV School District
Homecoming court
The girls game tonight at St. Paul will start at 6pm. Varsity boys to follow. No JV boys game.
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
7th grader, Carter St. Gemme, was the district winner in the Elks Hoop Shoot. He will compete at the state competition in February. Way to go Carter!
about 3 years ago, Jason St.Gemme
Hoop Shoot
Buddy the Bearcat Elf was very mischievous last night! We want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
about 3 years ago, Amanda Mathes
He left a note
So mischievous
Look at this!